2003 Iowa Bandmasters Convention Presentation
Duane Oley Olson, historian and long time performer with the
Karl King Band, presented Remembering Karl King and his Influence in
the Iowa Band Movement at the 2003 Iowa Bandmasters Convention.
This informative narrative presentation outlined important events in Mr.
King's life and told how Karl's background prepared him for the unusual
opportunity to impact music education first in Iowa and then greatly beyond
Iowa's borders. The importance of King's influence bringing legislation
commonly called the Iowa Band Law and the great scope of King's
compositions were stressed.
Several Karl King stories highlighted the unusual character and humor of Fort Dodge's favorite son. Mr. Olson and his wife, Nancy, brought with them a number of displays of photos and other materials uncovered during the recent process of archiving Ruth King's scrapbooks. Oley's IBA clinic session was digitally taped to preserve this important information.